Now, I've already covered Zoe in a previous post. Showing her having her ass grabbed by Captain Kirk in a previous photo shoot.
But she just recently had a great interview here.
Its always great to see someone take on the sexual hypocrisy and prudery in our culture. Much props to Zoe.
Money quote
" I love sex. I love skin. I don't believe the body is something to hide.
I think in American society we're messing up our kids by taking away the education on and awareness of our sexuality and replacing it with violence, guns and video games - and we're breeding little criminals."
Zoe also mentions not being adverse to a graphic sex scene.
She is notorious for playing opposite white male leads.
Monsters Ball II anyone ?
So the question is, what kind of Sex Scene would you like to see Zoe do ?.

a) A gang bang scene where she has a train run on her by some fine caucasian studs. They get her out of that sexy red dress and pass her around their hard white cocks like a plate of biscuits

b) Mounted And Fucked On A Couch By An Older White gentleman. AKA Monsters Ball.

c) A More Sensual Scene Where She Gets Drilled Hard By A White Actor
Monster's Ball II cracked me up. I wish that would happen but with a director who CLEARLY SHOOTS the sex scenes.
Zoe reminds me of other thin, young black actresses like Joy Bryant and Kerry Washington. Joy and Kerry have both done interracial sex scenes, Kerry's done at least two (Last King of Scotland and Sexual Life). Joy's was in "3
Whoops, I was trying to say Joy's interracial sex scene was in "3-Way."
Whoops, I was trying to say Joy's interracial sex scene was in "3-Way."
True dat. The Joy Bryant Scene from 3-Way where he picks her skinny ass up and fucks her in the shower is the best I've scene.
Ironically, in the movie Haven, both Joy and Zoe are in it.
Zoe gets done by a couple white guys. Orlando Bloom, and then this random dude at a party.
Joy gets with Bill Paxton but they don't show much.
Maybe Zoe wants to one up Joy in the next flick ?
Would love a gangbang with a bukkake finish to show her who's in charge.
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