Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Black Women Who Like This Blog. STAND UP AND BE COUNTED !

I want to know if there are any black women out there who are into this.
It is difficult to know about black women's taboo fantasies since there is so much pressure to make people conform and be ashamed of their desires.
Especially in our community. But not here.
There is no doubt that any black woman who would admit to having had fantasies about being, say, taken roughly by a white man would catch a lot of heat from other brothas in our community. So I don't know if yall do or have had this fantasy.
But this blog is created by and primary for black men who are aroused by this.
So, if there are black women out there who have had this fleeting thought.
Make a comment, vote in the poll, and freely put it out there.

Black Women What Fantasies About White Men Have You Had ?

Friday, September 11, 2009

At Event

What Do You Think About The Pict Above ?

Here a shot of Melissa De Sousa at some event with a guy looking her up and down. I can only imagine what thought might be going through his head.
I ponder can visualize him leading her up to his room, his big white cock hard as a rock.